Why people love games

Since the beginning of the existence of men here on earth today, people recognize that men love games. Play games end by our childhood but continue even when we vieillirons. Researcher and expert discovered that there is a natural desire for victory, the success and purpose in the life of each individual. They are specifically playing competition and the challenges of the games. You can see everywhere; Of course its obvious children play with other children, elderly people playing chess, young men play online such as Rpg games and flash games. Even during the early days you have recognize babies are something just to enjoy on bed and if ever they disrupt in this activity, they will irritate and crying.
Our nature to play has begun at the computer or video games, in the park or in the Internet caf?. He started in our lives. It is human nature that we like to express our emotions, our desire, our talent and what is our personality. Play games are not just urgent only keyboards, but this is an adventure in your life who you are, what you are and what you represent.
Why people need to play games
# This is human nature, and we must obey this nature but do not allow the nature control you. Many provide too much to this cravings and he end their lives so unproductive. Life must be balance. Play games that match your skills and personality to be more productive and more alive.
# He revitalize the forces
I think that happy people are strong people. Having leisure in life in the Park, in the beach, at school, in the caf? of the internet and you homes with your pc or laptop; You can earn benefits whenever you play the games. It is obvious that people who have the enjoyment are happy. You can see their concentration and focus to the activity in which they participate and which leads to a happy and having a satisfaction in their lives. When people are happy and satisfied, they are strong. As the reader digest, saying: "laughter is the best remedy".
# Produces a healthy mind
Since we have this cravings natural to have fun, every time that you play your mind works to let you manage or to deal with challenges and difficulties in the game. The moment you play spirit will be work hard and keep these skills you gain in the game and make as a reinforcement each time that you must meet the same challenges and difficulties in its potential for you to win and to transmit the challenge. After the challenge, your mind can now anticipate the next challenges and has the potential to win the game. Sometimes we fail to win, but it is not final. The more you play more mind became so active and sharp. More you train your mind more becomes effective and in good health.

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