3D gaming is the new craze

With the popularity of 3D films exploding, movie studios and distributors near it forcing the public collective throat, it's just a matter of time before the technology has hit our living rooms. At the beginning it was in the form of televisions 3D that everyone could upgrade their standard HDTV to, and it is now the 3D game.
If it contributes to the performance or the impact of the film or games, 3D is a medium that should be considered. But there are a lot of movies formatted in 3D, and they are not better for it. They simply make me pay more to see at the cinema and to use a poor pair of 3D glasses when I sit down it. You must always wear glasses at home, although quality of glasses is much better than disposable you get to the theatres.
You do not want, it is just an another gimmick you induce them to buy technology, to learn the route that it is not that great. Everyone was bitten in the past, a HD-DVD player or beta or LaserDisc, everyone made a jump in technology and wrong. It is often a costly, especially when error technology so fresh when it is new. This is why the HDTV had finally so cheap; because so many people bought the idea and the format.
The first people who have purchased CD drives were probable hesitant that the new format would not take off and they would be stuck with an expensive piece of equipment and only a handful of CDs to play on it. This is the problem that people have with this new 3D craze, they are not quite sure if the enthusiasm will be a full blown success. Same could be said about the 3D games.
Will it be accepted as a viable entertainment style? Developers are going to make games for this past the initial launch of the technology? People will still be excited by technology in six months or one year after the launch? It is realistic and critical issues to take into account each time that a new technology that you are interested in purchasing. The most important thing is that you are not disappointed if it does not take off, that you enjoy the adventure and experience.

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